
Schedules: a Blessing and a Curse

I always thought before I had kids, I would be “that mom” that didn’t go by my kids schedule; instead they would just fit into mine. Oh, how wrong I was. As much as I would like to fly by the seat of my pants and take my kids on adventures all the time, my reality is MUCH different. Being a full time working mom is the hardest thing in the world. It is only made A LITTLE easier with the help of a routine. That being said, I feel like my mind is constantly working overtime to figure out how the day will unfold and how to make everyone happy. I confess, I do have some of that “Type A” personality in me, but the real reason this is so important, is because it works (for us anyway). Let me give you an example of my thought process on a given day…

Last weekend there were two Easter egg hunts that we wanted to take the kids to. This is what unfolded when I heard they were at 11 and 3 on the same day…

If we leave the house an hour early, Jake can sleep in the car (enough to take the edge off) before the first egg hunt. I usually nurse him around 11, but hopefully the fresh air and kids running around will distract him and keep him happy so I can just feed him when we get home. If we get home by noon, both kids can eat and take early naps. Since Jake took a short nap in the car, he shouldn’t fight going down earlier than usual. When they wake up we can be out of the house by 2:30 for the next Easter egg hunt.

Of course that’s not EXACTLY what happened, but it was close, and we adjusted as the day went on. It was SO worth it… I mean why not run around like a crazy person so your kids can enjoy a 3 minute Easter egg hunt where kids trample each other for plastic eggs filled with candy?!

As I write this, I realize I sound crazy, but other moms must think like this too, right?! Don’t get me wrong, some days, naps are in a stroller, or in the car, and lunch is cheese and crackers at the playground… but those days are important too.

Over the past couple years I have learned MANY things, here are some of the most important:

  • Having a set bedtime every night is the key to your sanity. It is the only time you will have to yourself ALL DAY.
  • Skipping naps means your kids are going to meltdown HOURS before it’s time for bed, and that’s not fun for anyone.
  • You will do WHATEVER it takes to keep your kid(s) awake in the car if you don’t want them to sleep (i.e. sing, dance, roll down windows, etc.)
  • ALWAYS have snacks on you. Fussy kids can usually be bribed with a yummy treat.
  • Having your friends over for takeout while the kids play during their normal “witching hour” (4pm-7pm) is AMAZING. No cooking, no dishes, kids have fun, you get to enjoy adult conversation, and most importantly, bedtime comes MUCH faster.
  • Its fine if naptime’s are altered a bit to allow for a play date, party or anything else that warrants it, but don’t skip it all together. You WILL regret it.
  • The best time to get out of the house is between 9 and noon.
  • Fresh air makes everyone happy
  • If you have more than 1 child and they happen to sleep at the same time, stop everything you’re doing and sit down. The dishes, laundry and whatever else can wait. Relish this time because it rarely happens.
  • Anyone that thinks you’re ridiculous in how much you think/talk/stress about your kids schedule, does not have kids.

I know this type of thinking is not for everyone but as I said before, it’s what works for us. I keep telling myself that when the kids are older we’ll be a little more “loosey-goosey”. When do you think that will be, in 10 years?! 😉

2 thoughts on “Schedules: a Blessing and a Curse

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