
Women Are Superheroes

When I first thought about writing this particular blog, my plan was to focus on learning to love your body after having a baby. I quickly realized that a lot of us need to learn to love our bodies in general, whether we have had a baby or not. Let me ask you… Why are we hardest on ourselves? Will we ever be totally happy with the way we look? Does complaining about our body, the way our pants fit and what we look like in the mirror, affect our kids? I know it is SO much easier said than done, but it is time as a society we change. Marilyn Monroe was a beauty icon and do you know what size she was? She fluctuated from a size 6 to a size 14. Isn’t that the majority of us?! Becoming a mom has opened my eyes in so many ways, especially being a mom to a little girl. I don’t want her to ever feel anything other than great in her own skin. I say this because I wasn’t always comfortable in mine…

I struggled with some body image issues when I was younger. During those fragile adolescent years, I was towering over all the boys in my class. At a height of 5’9”, although I am not super tall, I’ve always been taller than the majority of my friends and classmates. That meant, I wasn’t the girl boys were going to ask to dance with at the school dances. I wasn’t dating in Jr. High, when others were. I wasn’t in a size 0 or 2, EVER. I played sports, I had GREAT friends and an awesome family. Those three things helped me gain confidence and become comfortable with who I was.

Fast forward 20+ years, that body that I once struggled with, allowed me to carry and deliver two scrumptious babies. What I have learned since becoming a mom, is that women are superheroes. The fact that we can carry, deliver and single-handedly feed a baby and keep it alive is just incredible. My body will never be the same after two pregnancies and I couldn’t be happier. The little “age spot” (as the dermatologist called it) on my stomach, came when I had my daughter. The deflated and tiny boobs that were once big and perky, are from nursing two kids for a combined year and a half. The hips that expanded during my first pregnancy, 3+ years ago, don’t seem to be going anywhere. Years ago these things would have bothered me but now they are just daily reminders that my body has been through A LOT and every second of it was incredible. It was not easy. Pregnancy, labor and delivery is quite an experience, but I did it. We did it. I’m not going to strive to be in a bikini by summertime, I’m going to rock my Tankini and dig in the sand with my kids. I’m not going to forgo eating “naughty” food when I have a craving, instead I will try and have just a little instead of a lot. With two young kids who are both on the move, suffice it to say, I workout every day. Who needs a gym when you are carrying a 20+ pound child up and down the stairs multiple times a day and running at high speeds to stop them from eating things like Play-Doh or crayons (both happened today). This life and body is my new normal and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

**I’m now going to pour myself a glass of wine and raid my kids Halloween candy while they are sleeping. Cheers to us.

1 thought on “Women Are Superheroes

  1. Love this, Friend. I have always had body image issues, and being 35 weeks pregnant, I’ve never been in “worse” physical shape. It’s a funny thing, though. My stretch marks are increasing by the day, my feet are a size and a half bigger and have taken on the shape of mini loaves of bread, I have new weird veins on my tree trunk-size legs (oh, the chub rub!), and my boobs are just scary…. BUT I have never loved my body more than I do right now. It’s absolutely incredible what a woman’s body can do! Despite all the unwelcome changes, I try to give myself a lot of grace and enjoy every day I get to carry this little nug around inside me. I’m sure it’ll be different once the baby is out and breast-feeding takes its toll, but I’ll give you a call and have you talk sense into me : )

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